Sunday, January 10, 2010

My House is a Mess.

Yes, a biggggg mess.

There is so much stuff going on I can't even keep track.

First, Jordan's dad updated all the electrical in the house, which makes everything more efficient and safe! What it really means for me is that instead of the ugly brown and old light switches and plugs, we have pretty new white ones. :)

Second, cement board was hung around the shower. Eventually we'll be covering it with pretty tile, but that's one of the last things we'll be doing before we move in.

Third, Jordan and Mike added the shower hook-ups because we only had a faucet and the tub before. We have the hooks ups for a shower fan now too!

Fourth, the guys got the upstairs completely ready to be drywalled, which included replacing rotten wood, framing the outer walls, and about a million other things that I know nothing about.

This is what the wall in our bedroom looks like underneath the drywall. Neat, huh?

Lastly, a cute picture of my favorite person in the world and my beautiful puppy. :)

I love them. <3

Jordan, Todd, Mike, Brian (Jamie's fiance), and Jordan's friend Derek have been drywalling this weekend, but I haven't been there to see it yet! More pictures soon!